Christopher hart chambers
These paintings are improvised following an essentially abstract expressionist manner of working. And in many ways, conceptually they are abstractions as well. Yet clearly, recognizable motifs are employed. The overall trope is landscape, while emblematic botanical motifs representing simplified flowers, trees, and leaves permeate the compositions.
I am interested in synesthesia smelling colors, hearing shapes; one sense invoking another. Transparent iridescent mists float through evoking various pleasant scents. Gentle breezes evoke sensations of temperature and humidity. My intention is that these perceptions are universal experiences we can all relate to emotionally on a personal level. I am interested in the notion of profound beauty. Not merely pretty, but something we sense intuitively. There are no
depictions of animal life forms because their presence is intimidated by their absence. This allows the viewer to become the focus and main player in this drama for which the stage has
been set. It is an abstract narrative which places the viewers center stage and allows them to bring their own stories into the environments portrayed.
Through many layers of translucent glazes of oil paint a luminous feeling of enveloping depth emerges which allows the viewer to
enter an idyllic subconscious space and place of their own memories and imaginings.